What is a Prosthodontist?
A Prosthodontist is a dentist who specializes in the rehabilitating of the failing or missing dentition and dealing with high cosmetic demands.
Prosthodontists receive training in restoring the failing or broken down dentition, replacement of missing teeth, crowns, bridges, veneers, inlays, dentures, dental implants, sleep disorders and aesthetics. They are masters of complete oral rehabilitation and are dedicated to the highest standards of care in the restoration and replacement of teeth.
Combining Andrew’s skills with that of the other dental specialists in Tauranga enables him to provide comprehensive care and treatment at a very high level.
Specialist Prosthodontist
Andrew Newsom
BSc, BDS, DipClinDent (Pros), DClinDent (Pros), MRACDS (Pros)Andrew began his dental career at Otago University in 1996. Upon graduating he worked in Palmerston North for the armed forces and at a private practice. He then moved to the UK to travel, work and study at the Eastman Dental Institute in London. In 2005 he returned to New Zealand settling with his family in Tauranga and set up a clinic to work on advanced dental rehabilitation cases as well as complex implant treatments. He traveled to Australia, became a member of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and completed a Doctor of Clinical Dentistry at the University of Sydney in a specialist Prosthodontic program. As well as running his own specialist private practice, he is key part of a unique team of specialists who provide complex dental and implant procedures in New Zealand. Dr Newsom holds an appointment to consult for Tauranga Public Hospital. Much of his work involves the assessment and rehabilitation of head and neck cancer patients.